Saturday, September 26, 2020

holladay blog challange

 I was learning about kawa of care. 

I found it easy to make the slides and find the chromebook.

I found it hard to think up qustions.

next time I will try really hard to make more qustions.

this game teaches you abut kawa of care there are two qustions on each slide one of them is wrong or right evry time you get a qustion wrong it tackes you back to the previos. Chose carfully and good luck.

Our cool advenchers in team Toroa

 This term we were off on all sorts of cool adventures with our awesome teachers Mrs Barker, Mrs Bava and Mrs Gomm. We went to wild lab watched the movie holes and read holes did water work with Amy angels work with my base class teacher we did lots of fun stuff this term.

I found it easy to remember what all my angels names were with my base class teacher and find mayflies with our water teacher amy.

I found it hard to remember what the phs were from every waterway we visited.

next time I will add a few more slides to my poster so I can explain what we did on each fun adventures with our cool teachers.

Friday, September 25, 2020

Rangi and papa

We were learning about rangi and papa there are two books one is called rangi and papa and the other book is called in the beginning the books are slightly different.

I found it easy to memorize what the books were like and I made the books one story instead of making two slides.

I found it hard to find a picture of rangi and papa being pushed away from each other.

next time I will maybe make an animation about rangi and papa.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

the is our responsibility

 We were learning about whether the environment is our responsibility and were also learning about persuasive writing I had to research planning and then write my draft writing.

 I found it easy to write my draft because I had also done lots of work around this subject. 

I found it hard to find some good sites to find evidence because I was not being specific about what I was asking the internet.

Next time I will try to be more specific about what I ask the internet and will also try to add a little bit more of evidence to my piece of persuasive writing.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Keep nz beautiful

 I was learning about is the environment our responsibility? I made this because it was keep nz beautiful day I really like making animations at home this animation is about keeping nz clean and not pouring any unnatural products down the drain tollit or any water ways because they all end up in the sea and it is very unhealthy for the sea water our writing is also about the environment is our responsibility maybe Next time I could make the animation last a little bit longer.

my podcast

we were learning about each other by making podcast we had to be confident when we were speaking we were using screencastify for recording ourselves I really enjoyed it because we were learning about each other and what we like to do in our own time I found it hard to use a confident voice when I was speaking because I knew lots of people were going to watch my podcast.Next time I will use a louder/confident voice when I am recording my podcast. 

Book Review

 We were learning about inferring my teacher Mrs baker used an example to explain what inferring ment I did not understand straight away but once we read our book there were a few sentences that we had to we had to use our new stragejedy once we had done that a few times I got the hang of inferring.I found it easy to read most of the words.I really liked the book awarua the taniwha of porirua  because it had great illustration and there were some words that were challenging and I quite liked the challenge next time I will try to get through my reading sentences quicker.maybe I could also try to make my sentences in my book review longer.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

scratch project

we were learning about scratch 
I found it easy to make my movie 
I found it hard to make my slide right 
Next time I will make a better efort.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

persuasive sale

 we were learning about persuasive writing

 I found it easy to think up persuasive text to make it look appealing 

maybe next time I could make more stuff come in my pack BUT IS NOT ON SALE.